Harden your horn
- There is no reason to feel depressed if you, like so many other men today, have hit the rough spot of your sexual life when you cannot seem to be performing as well as you used to do. Your agitation and frustration are easily understood, and still you should know that with the modern development of worldwide pharmacological industries it is but natural that there is bound to be a solution for your own needs when it comes down to solving your erectile dysfunction problems.
- We suggest you getting erectile dysfunction drugs from our online drugstore cheaply, easily and without much to-do. You will always be taken care of and attended to with extreme care, and you will have the possibility of choosing from a wide range of erectile dysfunction products to find a solution that will best suit your particular needs.
- The whole world puts great trust in those famous diamond shaped pills, and if you are not an exception we would like to revise some basic points that speak in favor of putting your male health in the hands of those magical tablets.
Firstly, there is no need for regular therapy – those blue pills have to be taken directly before the planned sexual contact, and extra convenience shines through when you come to realize that the pills will not start working unless sufficient sexual stimulation is provided.
- Secondly, this erectile dysfunction solution is known for its extremely low adverse side effects profile, which makes it available for all age groups of patients. Besides, it really does not matter how old you are when it goes about taking erectile dysfunction pills – just make sure that you do not overdose, and they will work for you at their best!
- Finally, those fabulous pills do not only provide you with stable erection that can be maintained for as long as you need it – they also help you to achieve unheard sensitivity during the sexual act as well as make your genitals look much more sizey!
- Think of all those benefits of taking erectile dysfunction pills and the effect you can produce on your loved one – and do not hesitate to make your order and / or refills right away!
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bvlzppj9b 4:40:55
▲▲▲非 人 力 资 源 经 理 的 人 力 资 源 管 理▲▲▲
【时间地点】2010年12月24-25日 上海 2010年元月7-8日 深圳
【价 格】2500元/人(包 括 培 训、培 训 教 材 、午 餐、以 及 上 下 午 茶 点 等 )
【学员对象】各 类 企 业 的 部 门 经 理 与 中 层 以 上 管 理 者
【联系电话】(0755) 86154193 \ 4 胡先生 黄小姐
▲▲▲课 程 背 景:
提高学员的管 理技巧和员工管 理相关的意识和技巧、职业水平,了解当前公司、部门和自己
在管 理与沟通方面存在的不足,通过本次学习能是使您更好的激励、留住人才,与员工建立有
效的沟通,通过有效的绩效评估不断挖掘员工的潜力,开拓管 理思路,提高企业凝聚力。mfya
◇ 让每位主管明白:任何一位主管首先是该部门的人力资源主管!
◇ 让每位主管明确:育人与完成工作业务对于任何一位主管来讲同等重要!
◇ 让每位主管掌握:招人、用人、育人、留人的技术与技巧
◇ 让每位主管配合:总经 理或人力资源部经 理对人力资源的管 理与开发
▲▲▲课 程 大 纲:
第一章 部门经 理普遍的人力资源管 理职责
1. 管 理者的角色定位
2. 企业中人力资源管 理的正确分工
l 总经 理职责
l 人力资源部职责
l 直线部门经 理职责
l 直线部门经 理必须掌握的人员管 理技能
第二章 部门经 理需掌握的人力资源管 理的正确理念
1. 人力资源及其特点
2. 人力资源管 理及其目标
3. 与时俱进,深刻理解企业战略人力资源管 理
l 企业战略人力资源管 理的思路
l 企业战略人力资源管 理的完整体系
4.部门经 理如何与人力资源管 理怎么配合
l 了解公司的人事规章
l 遵照现行人事作业流程
l 明白人力资源部门的功能
l 公司对部门人力资源管 理的要求
l 确定人力资源部门可给予的资源
第三章 部门经 理如何做好员工的招聘与面试
1. 工作分析与岗位职责的明确——如何在部门内做定岗定编
l 部门内定岗的流程和方法
l 定编的流程和方法
2. 员工招聘
l 招聘是人力资源管 理中极为重要的一个环节
l 招聘需求分析
3. 有效面试
l 常用的人才测评的方法
l 面试的分类:结构化面试和非结构化面试
l 结构化面试的几个步骤——面试前准备、正式面试、结束面试、评估
l 基于行为的STAR面试技巧
l 如何利用侯选人的非语言行为线索区分真实与谎言
l 针对关键岗位的简单的A级面试技巧
第四章 部门经 理如何做好员工绩效管 理
1. 企业绩效管 理的流程----绩效管 理过程图(PDCA循环)
2. 年度计划下的目标分解管 理
l 目标体系的制定
l 如何制定合适的目标
3. 目标的SMART原则
4. 上级实现目标的措施就是下级目标
5. 目标分解方法及目标协议
6. 制定KPI的步骤
l 归纳KPI
l 明确定义
l 确定权重
l 设计周期
l 明确数据来源
l 常用过程监控方法
l 目标的检查和反馈
l 绩效辅导的步骤和方法
l 案例分析:两个员工的绩效为什么差距那么大
l 绩效督导的权变技巧
第五章 部门经 理如何做好员工离职管 理
1. 优秀员工流失的对策
2. 落后员工淘汰的方法与技巧
l 没有淘汰,就没有激励
l 没有淘汰,就没有竞争和进步
4.经 理人如何辞退员工
l 解雇决策——坚决果断
l 解雇的实施——有理有据
l 解雇的操作——小心谨慎
l 解雇的后事——妥善处理
第六章.部门经 理如何做好员工的培 训管 理
1. 新员工入职培 训计划
2. 在职辅导的定义与内涵
3. 辅导员工是部门经 理的本职工作
4. 高效进行在职辅导的程序
5. 角色扮演:按照理想的程序进行辅导演练
6. 部门经 理在培 训体系中的重要位置
第七章 部门经 理如何做好员工激励
1. 薪酬结构及其对员工利益的影响
2. 如何配合人力资源部实现部门内部薪酬的公平性
3. 奖金设计的技巧和注意事项
4. 经 理激励员工的三大理论与工作实践
5. 激励员工的策略与最有效形式
6. 激励员工的五个要素与七大技巧
第八章 部门经 理如何提高自身领导力
1. 领导力之于职务权力的不同
2. 认识员工能力与态度的不同组合——员工的工作准备度
3. 认识领导行为——区分工作行为与关系行为
4. 情境领导技巧
▲▲▲讲 师 简 介:
林 恩 女 士
十年职业培 训实务经验,曾任跨国集团中国区的中方培 训经 理、国内某电子5强企业和世界500
强之一的汽车制造企业的人力资源高级经 理,曾先后为美涂士集团、中国电信、中国网通、中
所授课程:以绩效为导向的考核制度、TTT讲师培 训、人力资源管 理策略、目标、专业秘书/助
理和行政人员技能发展、商务文书写作、非人力资源主管和人力资源培 训、员工教育培 训与发
展计划、员工招募、面谈与甄选技巧、薪酬福利与奖金管 理等。参加过林老师本课程的学员来
云电器、鸿智电器、平安保险、人寿保险、建设银行、中国银行等. hitvpi4
World's-best for ero-boosting
- There is no reason to feel depressed if you, like so many other men today, have hit the rough spot of your sexual life when you cannot seem to be performing as well as you used to do. Your agitation and frustration are easily understood, and still you should know that with the modern development of worldwide pharmacological industries it is but natural that there is bound to be a solution for your own needs when it comes down to solving your erectile dysfunction problems.
- We suggest you getting erectile dysfunction drugs from our online drugstore cheaply, easily and without much to-do. You will always be taken care of and attended to with extreme care, and you will have the possibility of choosing from a wide range of erectile dysfunction products to find a solution that will best suit your particular needs.
- The whole world puts great trust in those famous diamond shaped pills, and if you are not an exception we would like to revise some basic points that speak in favor of putting your male health in the hands of those magical tablets.
Firstly, there is no need for regular therapy – those blue pills have to be taken directly before the planned sexual contact, and extra convenience shines through when you come to realize that the pills will not start working unless sufficient sexual stimulation is provided.
- Secondly, this erectile dysfunction solution is known for its extremely low adverse side effects profile, which makes it available for all age groups of patients. Besides, it really does not matter how old you are when it goes about taking erectile dysfunction pills – just make sure that you do not overdose, and they will work for you at their best!
- Finally, those fabulous pills do not only provide you with stable erection that can be maintained for as long as you need it – they also help you to achieve unheard sensitivity during the sexual act as well as make your genitals look much more sizey!
- Think of all those benefits of taking erectile dysfunction pills and the effect you can produce on your loved one – and do not hesitate to make your order and / or refills right away!
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Get stiff between legs
Dear nigara.family.comment,
Even if your sex life is already rich and fulfilling... Imagine you had a little more energy... if your erections stayed harder... or you could go just a little longer...
Or maybe you worry, when you climb under the covers, that you�re starting something you can�t finish?
Well, now advancements in natural medicine are making it easier than ever to promote a strong libido, firm, natural erections and enhanced desire.
Now thanks to this exciting natural breakthrough, you could get an erection �on demand� and when you do, sustain it long enough � and keep firm enough � to fully satisfy your wife in bed. Even if you�re in your 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s or older!
As a doctor, I�ve learned something over the years that may surprise you � age has very little to do with sex. There are men out there having the best sex of their lives well into their 80th year and beyond.
And those men have three key things in common that their sex starved friends don�t:
Hard, recurring erections...
Heightened desire and stamina...
And a reproductive system that could be functioning at the top of its game...
Lucky? You bet.
But you too could give your body the nutrients it needs to support your entire sexual health.
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Superboost for your manhood
- There is no reason to feel depressed if you, like so many other men today, have hit the rough spot of your sexual life when you cannot seem to be performing as well as you used to do. Your agitation and frustration are easily understood, and still you should know that with the modern development of worldwide pharmacological industries it is but natural that there is bound to be a solution for your own needs when it comes down to solving your erectile dysfunction problems.
- We suggest you getting erectile dysfunction drugs from our online drugstore cheaply, easily and without much to-do. You will always be taken care of and attended to with extreme care, and you will have the possibility of choosing from a wide range of erectile dysfunction products to find a solution that will best suit your particular needs.
- The whole world puts great trust in those famous diamond shaped pills, and if you are not an exception we would like to revise some basic points that speak in favor of putting your male health in the hands of those magical tablets.
Firstly, there is no need for regular therapy – those blue pills have to be taken directly before the planned sexual contact, and extra convenience shines through when you come to realize that the pills will not start working unless sufficient sexual stimulation is provided.
- Secondly, this erectile dysfunction solution is known for its extremely low adverse side effects profile, which makes it available for all age groups of patients. Besides, it really does not matter how old you are when it goes about taking erectile dysfunction pills – just make sure that you do not overdose, and they will work for you at their best!
- Finally, those fabulous pills do not only provide you with stable erection that can be maintained for as long as you need it – they also help you to achieve unheard sensitivity during the sexual act as well as make your genitals look much more sizey!
- Think of all those benefits of taking erectile dysfunction pills and the effect you can produce on your loved one – and do not hesitate to make your order and / or refills right away!
--- > www.makeshopbuy.com.ua < ---
Don't get stuck into male delicate function's problems! Desperation, loss of confidence and loss of relationships are not the best things in the world! Try these pilules to avoid such problems and live a full male life!
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Don't be ex-man
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Get real bed prowess
- There is no reason to feel depressed if you, like so many other men today, have hit the rough spot of your sexual life when you cannot seem to be performing as well as you used to do. Your agitation and frustration are easily understood, and still you should know that with the modern development of worldwide pharmacological industries it is but natural that there is bound to be a solution for your own needs when it comes down to solving your erectile dysfunction problems.
- We suggest you getting erectile dysfunction drugs from our online drugstore cheaply, easily and without much to-do. You will always be taken care of and attended to with extreme care, and you will have the possibility of choosing from a wide range of erectile dysfunction products to find a solution that will best suit your particular needs.
- The whole world puts great trust in those famous diamond shaped pills, and if you are not an exception we would like to revise some basic points that speak in favor of putting your male health in the hands of those magical tablets.
Firstly, there is no need for regular therapy � those blue pills have to be taken directly before the planned sexual contact, and extra convenience shines through when you come to realize that the pills will not start working unless sufficient sexual stimulation is provided.
- Secondly, this erectile dysfunction solution is known for its extremely low adverse side effects profile, which makes it available for all age groups of patients. Besides, it really does not matter how old you are when it goes about taking erectile dysfunction pills � just make sure that you do not overdose, and they will work for you at their best!
- Finally, those fabulous pills do not only provide you with stable erection that can be maintained for as long as you need it � they also help you to achieve unheard sensitivity during the sexual act as well as make your genitals look much more sizey!
- Think of all those benefits of taking erectile dysfunction pills and the effect you can produce on your loved one � and do not hesitate to make your order and / or refills right away!
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Prove you're a man to her tonight! Order today and get your male boosters from world-known manufacturers with discounts! Fast shipping and no problems with delivering to other countries than USA. Make your desire bulging!
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Your hose will stay
- There is no reason to feel depressed if you, like so many other men today, have hit the rough spot of your sexual life when you cannot seem to be performing as well as you used to do. Your agitation and frustration are easily understood, and still you should know that with the modern development of worldwide pharmacological industries it is but natural that there is bound to be a solution for your own needs when it comes down to solving your erectile dysfunction problems.
- We suggest you getting erectile dysfunction drugs from our online drugstore cheaply, easily and without much to-do. You will always be taken care of and attended to with extreme care, and you will have the possibility of choosing from a wide range of erectile dysfunction products to find a solution that will best suit your particular needs.
- The whole world puts great trust in those famous diamond shaped pills, and if you are not an exception we would like to revise some basic points that speak in favor of putting your male health in the hands of those magical tablets.
Firstly, there is no need for regular therapy – those blue pills have to be taken directly before the planned sexual contact, and extra convenience shines through when you come to realize that the pills will not start working unless sufficient sexual stimulation is provided.
- Secondly, this erectile dysfunction solution is known for its extremely low adverse side effects profile, which makes it available for all age groups of patients. Besides, it really does not matter how old you are when it goes about taking erectile dysfunction pills – just make sure that you do not overdose, and they will work for you at their best!
- Finally, those fabulous pills do not only provide you with stable erection that can be maintained for as long as you need it – they also help you to achieve unheard sensitivity during the sexual act as well as make your genitals look much more sizey!
- Think of all those benefits of taking erectile dysfunction pills and the effect you can produce on your loved one – and do not hesitate to make your order and / or refills right away!
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Pilules of Tarzan bed energy
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Max libido with ease
- There is no reason to feel depressed if you, like so many other men today, have hit the rough spot of your sexual life when you cannot seem to be performing as well as you used to do. Your agitation and frustration are easily understood, and still you should know that with the modern development of worldwide pharmacological industries it is but natural that there is bound to be a solution for your own needs when it comes down to solving your erectile dysfunction problems.
- We suggest you getting erectile dysfunction drugs from our online drugstore cheaply, easily and without much to-do. You will always be taken care of and attended to with extreme care, and you will have the possibility of choosing from a wide range of erectile dysfunction products to find a solution that will best suit your particular needs.
- The whole world puts great trust in those famous diamond shaped pills, and if you are not an exception we would like to revise some basic points that speak in favor of putting your male health in the hands of those magical tablets.
Firstly, there is no need for regular therapy � those blue pills have to be taken directly before the planned sexual contact, and extra convenience shines through when you come to realize that the pills will not start working unless sufficient sexual stimulation is provided.
- Secondly, this erectile dysfunction solution is known for its extremely low adverse side effects profile, which makes it available for all age groups of patients. Besides, it really does not matter how old you are when it goes about taking erectile dysfunction pills � just make sure that you do not overdose, and they will work for you at their best!
- Finally, those fabulous pills do not only provide you with stable erection that can be maintained for as long as you need it � they also help you to achieve unheard sensitivity during the sexual act as well as make your genitals look much more sizey!
- Think of all those benefits of taking erectile dysfunction pills and the effect you can produce on your loved one � and do not hesitate to make your order and / or refills right away!
--- > www.crescentpharmacyonline.com.ua < ---
Order and get this male pilule today! After it you will excel all her expectations about your vigor! There can be no side effects and no �misfires� in bed after it. Add here cheap prices in our web-store and you�ll get only �pro�s, no �contra�s about submitting an order!
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Set ero-energy to max
- There is no reason to feel depressed if you, like so many other men today, have hit the rough spot of your sexual life when you cannot seem to be performing as well as you used to do. Your agitation and frustration are easily understood, and still you should know that with the modern development of worldwide pharmacological industries it is but natural that there is bound to be a solution for your own needs when it comes down to solving your erectile dysfunction problems.
- We suggest you getting erectile dysfunction drugs from our online drugstore cheaply, easily and without much to-do. You will always be taken care of and attended to with extreme care, and you will have the possibility of choosing from a wide range of erectile dysfunction products to find a solution that will best suit your particular needs.
- The whole world puts great trust in those famous diamond shaped pills, and if you are not an exception we would like to revise some basic points that speak in favor of putting your male health in the hands of those magical tablets.
Firstly, there is no need for regular therapy � those blue pills have to be taken directly before the planned sexual contact, and extra convenience shines through when you come to realize that the pills will not start working unless sufficient sexual stimulation is provided.
- Secondly, this erectile dysfunction solution is known for its extremely low adverse side effects profile, which makes it available for all age groups of patients. Besides, it really does not matter how old you are when it goes about taking erectile dysfunction pills � just make sure that you do not overdose, and they will work for you at their best!
- Finally, those fabulous pills do not only provide you with stable erection that can be maintained for as long as you need it � they also help you to achieve unheard sensitivity during the sexual act as well as make your genitals look much more sizey!
- Think of all those benefits of taking erectile dysfunction pills and the effect you can produce on your loved one � and do not hesitate to make your order and / or refills right away!
--- > www.buypharma.com.ua < ---
For always seeing you lady satisfied and even deserted after a night with you. For having more self-respect and confidence than other men. For being a man with a damn stiffer in panties! Try these pilules right now!
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