b8ikm4rfv.nityanandaram108.vedavyasa@blogger.com Antibi-otics do n'ot cure infec.tions_ caused by vir'uses an+d sho+uld not be *taken in these cas.e.s. You don't h*ave to spen-d all your mo-ney on erec'tile dysfu*nction tre+a,tment. It'*s sale tim+e! If you're -in pain your li,fe can be 'grea'tly improve+d with qua'lity pain .reliever+s taken responsi-bly. Could t-he n+ext craze b_e, quite li'teral,ly, nuts? A s+tudy conc.luded that n*uts lower ch*olesterol.. Doctors are, less l*ikely to dia-gnose men+ wi*th depression than ,women'. Now think wh-at*'s better. Some+ antib.iotics are eff_ective a,gainst c'ertain types of. bacteri+a; oth*ers can fight ma+ny bact,eria. What c'an he.lp you qui_ckly and easily lo.se weight* is diet-ary changes, a_ctivi-ty and behavio_r chang,e! Remember t*hat e*xcessive an*d inappropri*ate antibiot,ic- use can lead to _antibiotic +resi+stance. Even i'f yo-u have no reaso*ns to get* obese like g_enetics or +dep*ression, -be careful* with your *calories! O+besity increase,s your_ risk of develo_pin'g gallbladd-er disease, ,type 2 dia,betes & -heart dis_ease. What makes ,you _wheeze or, cough? W*hat is more imp'ortant is how *to sto'p an a+sthma attack'! Chronic p+ain is ha+rd to live w,ith a*nd many peop+le take pre'scription pai+nkiller,s to stop it._ If you're ti+r*ed of counti,ng every, single cal'orie, try +out our new obesi'ty trea-tment medicati+on. -How many calor*ies do y_ou consume e'very* day? May be I- is the ke*y to *your ideal. weight? Try out! _Are you *satisfie,d with the+ amount, of sex yo.u have eve+ry week? +I can improve' it 10 times!- If you ,have asthma, ev,en the sli.ghte+st respiratory t.rac_t infection can, trigger an 'as+thma attack. 'Asthma ,affects mo-re and mor.e people ever,y year. D+o you know how* to act iŕ* you *face it? _Seriously bad' food *allergies ar'e fairly_ uncommon -- less ,than 4- percent+ of adults ha,ve the,m. The epid_emic pro,portions of. obesity in the U_nited 'States should .make you th-ink abo+ut your wei*ght'. Obesity can str'ike not o-nly adults b+ut alsp 'children and 'adol+escents too. Ta*ke car,e of your f*amily-! Myths about pai*nkil'lers often caus*e fea_rs and worries and' may, lead t*o pain not 'being controll_ed. Studies -show that pe'rsist_ent pain cau.ses changes- in' the brain and ,spinal cord ca.using mo*re pain. St+ud+ies sugges-t that depre.ssion caused+ by health di.sorders. occurs +as often_ in men as in .women. Obesit.y is th+e result* of the body.'s inab.ility to balanc'e calori-e intake _and energy expen'dit.ure. Knowing_ every-thing about ast-hma and i'ts sym+ptoms doesn'.t give a gua_rantee of pr*otection._ As women a-nd men get ol,der., their choleste'ro,l levels rise. E'at reasonab*ly t+o stay healt,hy! Obe.sity increas_es your risk of -developing -age-r_elated m'acular degenerati-on catar'acts & st,roke. Sinc,e penicil*lin was int'roduced, 'scien*tists have develop+ed more th,an_ 150 different 'antibiot_ics. What i*s your risk o+f developi,ng hear_t disease o,r having' a heart attac*k due* to cholestero'l? Do'n't limit your. inti*mate or sexual cont,act to' the erect pen-is *only! Try to ,switc*h your imagina+tion! Peopl*e who are obe.se may h*ave the' symptoms' of the me+dical cond-itions: depressio-n & strok*e. More. than 72 milli_on people, suffer -from obesi*ty and relate.d disea,ses in- the Uni'ted States. Protei'ns from the+ skin and- saliva o'f cat_s and dogs- cause a*llergic reactions i,n some .peopl.e. Many people- believe th.at t-hey should* only get help .when t'he pain is *becoming unbearab+le. *It is quite safe_ to t'ake yo_ur pain relief drug+ *for as long as, you ne'ed to, if it i,s helping y+our pain.' Antibiotics e'ffecti_vely preven+t any ,bacterial i,nfections from s,p*reading over y.our or'ganism. Your penis _let -you down fo*r the first* time? Don't _panic! T,he a*nswer to all que,stio.ns is here*! Remember, reduc.ing the amou'nt of fat' in- your diet hel*ps lower- your bl'ood chole*sterol leve'l. Each yea'r, about' a million America.ns have hea,rt. attacks, and ha.lf a .million die .from a stroke.. To disti'ngu-ish between a fo+od alle'rgy & other, reactions to f_ood a _person needs. med'ical advice. Over*wei'ght and ob_esity are* the nightmares t-hat frig_hten half ,the peop+le all over th'e world, +friend. My+ lifestyle is, not. healthy .enough but I am s-ure, _I'm far from* the risk of ,obesi+ty. Ev+erything is fine. -An increa+sed sensitiv+ity to s'unlight is c'ommon w-hen you t_ake ant-ibiotics. Take _good care! S,elf-mana-ging asthma -day_ to day is impo*rtant 'to breathe well,_ sta*y activ.e, and live normal +li,fe. When you +eat foods .with lots of f_at or ch.oleste*rol, you can hav,e too_ much of -it in you_r blood. Little .child,ren shoul_d not suffer from+ allergic d,isea-ses! That's why ,we *sell this .drug at 50%! Your. d'aily calorie in+take can 'be the k,ey point in yo.ur struggle 'wit'h severe obesi-ty. Try it o-ut now,! Does- stress trigge-r asthma? Stres_s. is a commo+n asthma trig*ger, causing yo-u to_ feel anxious. S,exual life+ +is somethi-ng that makes us, feel' happy and neces*sary. Wh_at's life with,out sex? I+ have r_ead in a medi_cal -survey th.at half of a+ll cases of _hypertensi-on are_ attributed to ob,esity. T,he dose of- painkil'ler you. are taking sho_uld be enoug*h to cont-rol pa.in until the n+ext- dose. It's +hard to t-hink about the t,ime when* you may _face impot'ence and l+ose you,r potency! Yo'ur ris,k of developing d*an+gerous cholest'erol lev'el increases as* you get o*lder+. Watch out! Ant'ibiotic,s are m_edicines used* to tre,at infectio+ns caused by ba+cteria, 'they're' useless to v_iruses. Negat'ive+ nerve impulses or'i'ginating in the ,brain ofte.n cause e_rectile ,dysfuncti'on in adul*t men. Too. much of pain re.lief medic+ati+ons can ca_use stomac,h bleedin.g. Follow the +instructi-ons. If obesity- came+ to your life*, it's time ,to revie'w your typic_al+ eating and drin-king h+abits! S.tart now! W,omen who use antib-iotics to.o oft*en sometimes+ develop bo_wel an,d vagina,l yeast in*fections. .About 95 per cent o_f child+ren wi-th persiste,nt asthma, still hav*e symptoms+ into their adu.lthood*. We don',t believe _in miracles, bu_t we believe* in gr_eat powe-r of medicine!+ Check it o.ut' now! In this lette'r you* will find he,alth agency''s monitori+ng of o-besit.y and rel,ated diseases da_ta. Scot*tish scientis,t, Al.exander Fleming', disc+overed the fir-st antibi+otic, penicil,li.n, in 1928. Even g+en+tle antib-iotics, given f_or a short+ period -of time, c*an occasion,ally lea_d to this 'problem. Narc-otic pain r+elie_vers reduce the mot+ility of s_to.mach content.s through the* diges.tive tract*. Over the pa*st 20 years, .the numb'er of- overweig.ht children* has increase_d by more than. 5'0 %. If yo.u treat ob,esity, the success ,d.epends on yo'ur mood, you_r health, & you'r desir-e to get' slimmer! Medi-a image-s lea'd us to believe+ that men ar-e always rea*dy fo-r sex p_hysically a_nd psych.ologically. Ma,ny peop+le report di,zziness 'as a common sympt.om followi+ng a*dministration o,f painkill_ers. How *does ch_olesterol' cause heart dise.a,se? Learn everyth,ing about yo+ur risk 'of heart a.ttack. Wome*n are, more likel_y to get ex,tra w*eight and get obes'e than men!' Mak_e sure you -eat ri.ght food! Bronch*ial tubes tha+t are, chronical-ly inflamed, become o-verly +sensitive t,o allergens or ir_ritants. +Why would y,our docto,r s.hake his head *if your ,cholesterol r.eport sa'ys, trigly+ceride's hig'h? Scree*ning is a-dvised for ki+ds with a fami+ly histo'ry _of high chole-sterol l,evel or b-lood fats. A 'severe asth_ma attack ca.n be life-thr.eatening.* Make sur_e you h*ave an em'ergency .plan! Say HI to. lon.g night full +of sex and pa_ssion! .This medication _will' change eve_rything.! Most antib,iotic side-effe*cts are +mild *in appearance, som*e may +be severe lik+e all+ergic reac+tions. Today* the era of 'ultim_ate masculine per,f_ormance begins!+ Discov.er the ne*w medication! Al,lergy preva'lence .has be-en increasing+ since the ea-rly 1980s, acros's all age, _sex and racial gr-oups. +Which hou.sehold- cleaners are _most e,ffective in cleanin.g food ,alle+rgens off of ,kitchen, counters? If you* have bee+n prescribe.d to- take painkillers_ you'd 'better read' as much l_iterature -as you can. I* know* how to boost* your- sexual perform*ance and n'ever let i+t disappea'r fo+rever! It's import_ant to k+now .that painkillers, may be tak+en i*n combinati*ons with oth-er medicati-ons. Aft*er continue-d use of .pain killing +drugs, mild -s*ide effects *usually 'resolve within a. few da-ys. Let's .organize *a sexual ,revolution in your. -bedroom! You. are to lead ,our army to or+gasm!* If you suffer +from, hay fever avoi.d common ir*ri*tants like. tobacco smoke, au_tomobi+le exhaust. Ri_sk facto'rs for al_lergy are. numer+ous & you won't b_e a-ble to protect you*rself. from every,thing! Sa,turated fat. and +cholesterol in th-e food you' ea,t make your+ blood choles*terol le,vel go up.!!! African Ameri-cans h*ave an+ increased' incidence of a+sthma than whi_tes. Just .think ab,out ,that! Everyone a+ge 20 & ol,der s,hould have the+ir cholestero-l measu*red at -least o,nce every 5 years.. Th+e rate of obesit_y differs f*rom *state to .state, which. is probably a ,reflecti'on of variou's factors. 'At' present we talk +a 'lot about antibiot,ic med+icines. *But how much* do you 'know about it? As_thma_ is one +of 3 common cause.s of +chronic+ cough in ch'ildren. Be caref+ul with -your kids.. Don't le_t your hu*nger o,vercome your_ desire to look +go'od! Think abou-t obese people 'and* kids. Everything* you _need t_o get rid of erecti,le dys.funct,ion is here_ at your di_sposal! -Come on! It is est'im+ated that more tha+n 1_50 people in t.he USA di,e a year- from a sever*e aller.gic reaction. Th,e lesser' kno,wn effects' of obesity may al-so include .infe_rtility, typ-e 2 d+iabetes an.d cancer. P_istachio n_uts reduce the r*isk of heart- disease,b_y decreas*ing. cholesterol level_s_, a study say.s. Physical+ signs o-f painkillers ov_erd_ose include pi-npoint* pupils, _cold and clammy ski,n-, confusion.+ Stop waiting f.or bacteria- to+ catch you by_ surprise! +Try our 'super eff.ective antib'iotic and re,lax! Ne+arly 6 milli_on of* people that suff*er from ch,ronic as,thma in the+ Uni,ted States ar.e children. 'Why should +I worry abou+t extra wei-g.ht if I'm slim* and beaut*iful? Obesit-y will n,ever com,e? Taking an+tibiotics- when yo,u have a viral inf,ection wi,ll be a t_errible. mistake! Don't- do that!_ Improper u,se of anti+biotics ca'n be mor_e harmf+ul than_ helpful. B'e very attenti.ve t-aking it! Chi-ldhood obesity *is asso+ciated with ,high +chance o-f premature d_eath & dis*ability in adul_thood_. Failure t+o achieve+ an erection, more *than 50% o_f the time, in,dicates a. serious h*ealth problem. 'If paink-illers+ are abused, for a period* of time,, a person* can become .addicted 'to the 'medication. 90% .of ,food allergy ,reactio,ns are cause_d by 8 _foods: milk, soy,, e*ggs, wheat, p+eanuts, 'tree nuts,, … Among ot*her obesity, treatment o+ptions medic_ations -provide -combinatio.n of res_ult and safety.. It'*s time to refill y'our ho-me medicine ch.est with* supe+r-powerful im.potence tre*atment! Ther_e are, no magic- foods or d*rinks tha,t can help you+ overcome ob-esity. But+ th*ere is one medici-ne! We off,er you an u,np*recedented oppor.tunity- of buyi,ng cheap c+holesterol* lowering drug+s! Figh_ting obesity is na+tu+rally exha+usting! You'd _better eat +a hearty sup_pe.r before you g.o on diet.ing! In most c'ases, e.ffective anti+biotics ei,ther 'kill bacteria *or c'ause them to cease_ in gr'owth. Being *overweight, is a* risk fa-ctor for heart dis-ease. .It also tend-s to, increase your chol_este'rol. Cou_ld the next craze, be, quit_e litera-lly, nuts? A+ study co+nclud'ed that nuts 'lower 'cholesterol. I. know how to. boost your' sexual per,form,ance and never- let it d*isappear fo'rever! Choc,olate+ can be given+ to asthmatic_s duri'ng an acute e'xace,rbation *if no treat.ment is availab.le. Taking a' higher +dose than, reco,mmended wi,ll not prov,ide more reli,ef and can b*e danger*ous. Saturated .f*at and cho+lesterol i_n the food+ you eat m+ake your bloo+d cholesterol _level g_o up!!! *Men are less lik,ely to, see a doc.tor and their+ chanced t'o catc-h up a se_rious disease -and suf,fer. Asi.ans on average' have an LDL 'cho+lesterol level o.f less than, 95, because ,of their lo*w fat diet. 'Many people. report n_ausea an*d sometimes. vomiting a-fter taking stro'ng pai.n relief medic*a.tions. Common .asthma sy+mptoms include c,o-ughing, esp.ecially at+ night, w'heezing and p_ressure. I have, read *about special t*ips tha_t help a'sthmatic p-eople t+o solve their pro'blems w-ith breathi+ng. Eati+ng disorders,- su.ch as binge eat-ing o*r bulimia often +lead to wei+ght disord'ers &' even to obes+ity. Ant'ibiotics do no,t cur,e infections caus*ed b,y viruses and -should .not be taken in, these ca_ses. Re+ad more -about comm-on allergens &* how 'to prevent+ these f'rom triggerin'g asthm'a symptoms.. Antibiotics a*re prescribed 'medicati-ons- that fight again.st infect'ion. Follow- th*e instructio_ns! Have your _father ha+d problems w,ith potency,? If ye+s, you are. in dan*ger! Hurry up to* b-uy… Sometimes .it is very h'ard t+o tell wh+en an illn-ess is caused by _a viral o-r bac_terial infecti_on. A weight--loss progr,am us*ually combines l_o+ts of exercise's, medica*tions and s_trict d*ieting! Imp-roper use of a_ntib'iotics can be ,more harmful th,an helpful+. Be -very attenti_ve ta,king it! _Our special g.uest, Dr. K-reuzlange' will tell yo,u everythi'ng about impo*tence in -men! Ast+hma affects a's many as+ 10% to* 12% of chil,dren- in the United+ States. Are -your kids s*afe? Wh+en you 'eat more calo-ries ,than your body_ can consume y.o_u start growing _fat or beco_me obese. Ab-out. 50 millio,n people in+ the United Stat.es suf,fer from som.e form of a*llergy a*nd asthma. If- a p.erson is all-ergic to fl,ower pollen -he ob,viously should t,ry o'ur brand new_ allerg_y medicine. An in+c+reased sensitivi*ty to sunl+ight *is common wh*en you take_ antibiotics. _Ta'ke good care! Ere*ctile dysfu,nction -is a common p-rob-lem in men betw+een 40 and '55. Don't+ panic, du,de! Asthma_ often worsen_s -at night for a few_ rea,sons. Do not f,orget to_ take *your medi_cine regularly. W'omen who use- an'tibiotics too' often+ sometimes deve,lop bowel and- vaginal- yeast inf_ections., Since the ,time when pen*icillin wa.s in-vented many thi_ngs ,have change*d in the med'ical f-ield. A kid s.uddenly dev,elops' shortness of +breath when 'visiting _his grandmo_ther who has 'a +cat. If gradually' incr+ease the a-mount you exerci'se you _probabl'y will cope wit+h obesi.ty, in 10-1-5 years.. To'o much c+holesterol 'leads to .the build-up_ of plaq'ue on the w'alls -of the arteries. 'Ouch! +There is not*hing .surprising that .you have *faced p,roblems with h+avi+ng sex if. you're 30! Wh_at are the cu+rrent+ NCEP ch*olesterol treatme_nt guideli-nes? Learn .mo-re about c'holesterol! Actual_ly ever-y third s*exually. active m-an in the w_orld faces prob.lems w,ith potenc,y once. It's n,ot clear, tho*ugh possi.ble, that *overusing' drugs inc.reases *the risk of a _fatal ast,hma att_ack. You shoul+d know a-ll the .risk factor,s to avoid o,besity! *Learn more no_w and live. long &+ healthy life! Lipotrexa.te — W_eight Loss, Ob*esi'ty Zoloft' (Sertral_ine, Sertralin, ,Lustral, Ap'o-Sertra'l, Asentra,, Gladem, Ser_lift, Stim+uloton+, Xydep-, Serlain, Concor,z, gen+eric zoloft, -Atruli.ne) protopi,c Par_kinsonism 'FMF Tindama,x (tinidazo-le) motifene Spi,riv,a (Tiotropiu-m) rexapin Bet,nova-te (Betamet.hasone, Be-tametha.sone Valerate, cel-esto-ne) tonsill.itis Fung.us glust,in Antibiot,ic sleeping a,id iscover .frudix Y,erba Diet (we+ight loss, _diet. pills) _ Fatblast_ [fatblast] (,Weight Loss, d_iet, _diet pills) mi-cohex sha.mpoo Aricep_t — Dement_ia, Alzhe-imer's +Disease, L.ewy Body De'mentia, Vascula+r Dementia*, Parkin,son's Disea,se Noroxin +— -Bacterial Infecti.ons, Ant.ibiotic, Cys.titis, -Prostatitis', Gonorrhea Is*oso-rbide Mon_onitrate ( Imdu,r, Ismo,- Monoket) Trik-atu Insec.t B_ites Pulmicort (b+udesonide,' Ento'cort, Pulmico_rt) her,editary a*ngioedema tri-na+sal B+oniva (_Ibandronic acid*, ibandronat*e sodiu_m, Bondronat, B+o+nviva, osteoporos+is ) p,rednisolone ba.cte_rial dermatitis Nym-phoma'x — Fema*le Enhancement, D*ecr+eased Lib-ido oflin Ar+coxia .(Etoricox_ib, Algix, Tauxi+b, pa.in) benicar Op'ioid De.pendence impri _Urinary Tra.ct Infec-tions Hea,rtburn _autoimmune .hepatitis f+requency I+ntestinal Bloc_kage +Prozac (+Fluoxetin'e, Fontex, Ladose, _Sarafem, S+ol+ax, flouxetine, f*ludac) uro*x'atral Herpes Zost_er Biaxin —, Infect*ions, Pharyng'itis., Tonsilliti.s, Sinusiti,s, Chr-onic Bronchit-is, Pneumo_nia Antabu*se (Disulf+iram, -Antabus) Suprax* (Cefixime)* Herbo.lax — Cons-tipation, Laxati+ve, Herba,l Lax+ative, Ayurve+da Laxa' Tea — Ayurve+da, Laxat,ive, Con,stipation mico_nazole nit_rate- wintomylon. Zantac [z-antac] (Ranitid,ine, Hi.stac, Ranitil)* S.peman MS Arava *(Leflunomi*de, avara) su+regasm F'love.nt (Flutic*asone propiona*te, Flixo-tide, flohale.) Me,thotrexate [met-hotrexate] +(MTX, am.ethopterin*, Rheumatrex_, Emt*hexate, Me+thoblasti,n) Panadol Ext_ra Maxalt+ — Migrain_e, Pain., Migraine Heada,ches *Avalide +(irbesartan, .hydrochloroth+iazide) Pi*mozid'e (Orap, mo.zep) tourette+ syndro.me Sunthi [sunth*i] flo_bacin -contramal macrobid _Bet*apace (S'otalol, Sotal.ex, Sot.acor) Bayer ASA Asp'ir,in (Acetyl.salicylic Acid, A'SA) ecap*rinil Con*genita_l Adrenal Hype'rplasia' chronic at_rial fibrillat,ion- Swine Flu Lact+ation major d.epress-ive disorde*r Stroke ke'toconazole+ cream celco.xx' Malegra _DXT (Sildenafil +, Duloxe*tine) (sildenaf-il citra_te,' duloxetine., viagra,* cymbalta, yentre_ve) Arimi,dex — Endome-trial Cance+r, Ut_erine 'Cancer, Ovaria_n Cancer dyse+ntery *revatio adefov'ir dip.ivoxil qu,inate Alev*e (Naproxen, Xen.obid,, Anaprox, Mira.nax', Naprogesic, N'apros_yn, Naprelan,, Proxen, Synflex_, 'pain) malegr*a dxt (s-ildenafil + .duloxetine), Mega Ho.odia (Weigh.t Loss, die't, diet pill.s) mycophen.olic a+cid Laxa' Tea Yerba' Diet [yerbadi+et] (weig'ht loss, die+t pi*lls) adhd noctur'ia, laroxyl Eye Pre+ssure Cialis- — ED, Erec*tile Dysf'unction, .Erecti'on, Impotence +Atarax —* Anxiety, A.llergy, Seda'tion Anexil+ '— Relaxation A.id, Sleep Ai.d, A*nti-Stress Soft ED +Pac'k (Viagr,a Soft Tabs + .Cialis Soft Ta+bs) (si-ldenafil+, tadalafil) Pr-egnan+cy Loxi'tane — Antipsychoti+c, Psy+chosis, _Schizophren+ia Paracocci*dioidomyc.osis Sleep Te.a [sleeptea.] 'Suregasm [+suregasm] 4+ Viagra Sup+er Active+ (Sild*en'afil citra,te) 5.41% Mega-thin [megath,in+] (Weight Loss*, diet, d+iet pills,) citrol Lo,trisone (clotr,imazole, _betametha,sone) Ale+rt Caps -(Sleep & ,Relaxation Aid) *[aler,tcaps] co_lchysat burger_ Ultram (Tra,mado'l, Adolan, Anadol,+ Con,tramal, -tramadal,, Dolol, Dolzam, Dr.omadol, Ix+prim, Raliv+ia,_ Tramadex, Tramal-, Tridur,al,, Zamadol, Zydol, Zy,trim, pai,n, ultrace't) sl+eep tea es*kalith-cr *beneficat- cordar*one doxycycline _Lasix (F,urosemide-, Frusemi'd, Frusi+d, Frusol, Frudix,' Furosed_on) pravato-r biota+x Amikacin — B'acter,ial Infect_ions, Antibi_otic ansial .Accutan*e (Isotreti_noin, Amn+esteem, ,Claravis, Decutan',+ Isotane, Sot*ret, Orat-ane, Roaccutan-e, I-zotek, acutane-, acne) Amantad_ine — Inf,luenza+ A Virus, Park-inson's Di-sease, Par*kin-sonism, Extrapyram.id'al Reactions. Paxil [paxil] ('Par,oxetine, Ser_oxat) zwagr+a pha*ryngitis Eu,rax (crotamiton) +alli S+leep Aid pro-vera P+yrantel Pamoate+ (,nemocid) Alzheimer_'s Diseas,e nimoto*p Pro+vera (medroxyproge,sterone,. Climano.r, Alti-MPA, G*en*-Medroxy, Novo-Med_rone, Cli.nof*em, Cycrin,+ Farlutal, Gesta'Polar, Ges'tapu,ran, Medroxine, Me'droxyhexal,, Meprate,. Pe_rlutex, Pr_odafem, Triclofe,m, -Veraplex, R-alovera) 'dapoxetin Epog-en [epogen] -(epo*etin alf.a, Eprex, Proc*rit, Binocrit, _Erypo, Ne,orecormon) -pr'opecia Declomy.cin (D_emeclocycl,ine) Mellaril —' Antipsych+otic,, Schizophrenia, P.sychosis. Colchicin-e (Artric'hine, Co-chic, Col'chicin Ag+epha, Colchicina, Li+rca, Colchic-ina Phoenix, C-olc*hicine Houde,. Colchicum-+Dispert, Co,lchily., Colchimedi-o, Colchiquim, .Col,chis, Colchi+sol, Colchysat +Burger, C.olcine, C*olgout, Con,icine, ,Goutichine, G.outnil, .Kolkisi'n, Prochi-c, R) HIV Test* [hivtes-t] (test-) Hepatitis B ,beta_loc salamol maxolon' Lodine+ (et-odolac, Eccox+olac, Utra-dol) voltar-ol ret-ard oratane Tind*amax — Bacte*rial .Infections+, Trichomoniasi*s, Giard-iasis, _Amebias'is, Bacterial V-aginosis, STD*s Heartg+ard Chewable+